From helping you firm up your goals & USPs, to identifying your target audience, routes to market and messaging, as well as a SWOT analysis and a competitor review, our Marketing Strategy packages will help you be clear on what your marketing needs to achieve!
...and that's exactly what your marketing strategy will do!
Your Marketing Strategy looks at your business goals & identifies how marketing can help achieve these. Increasing sales, improving retention & reaching new markets are just some examples of the goals marketing will support. Ultimately your strategy will detail what you will achieve for the business.
Our work starts by looking at your business goals, short, medium & long term. What do you want to achieve, what does success look like?
We take a step outside your business and look at the market, what's happening, who are your competitors? Why are you different?
We then take things on a step & look at who your product or service is for? What need does it help? What problem does it solve? What is your USP - your unique selling point?
When we start to understand this, then we can look at your specifics marketing goals and what channels to use, what messaging to include & ultimately provide you with the basis to create your marketing plan.
What is your business looking to achieve?
What goals can your marketing activity support? Sales, retention, new product launches - jut some of the goals your marketing can help with.
A SWOT analysis will allow us to identify what are your strengths & what are your weaknesses. The analysis will also identify any opportunities in addition to potential threats that the business needs to consider..
Why should they purchase from you? What makes you different? What is your USP - your unique selling point? Looking at your competitors, why are you a better fit to meet their needs.
There are so many marketing channels out there so our work will help identify which are best for your target market & objectives - you need to be where your prospective market are & not where you like to be ;-)
Once you have a firm understanding of your audience & where they will be, & once we have identifed your USP, your messaging will then be crafted. This can be utilised cross-channel to ensure consistency..
Once your strategy is created, you will know what your marketing will need to achieve & can share this to ensure the team is aligned. Now you know what you are aiming for you can look at the 'how' & develpp your marketing plan.
It's key to grasp a good understanding of your business, it's services & products & audience.
This sets the foundations to strong & successful marketing activity. You wouldn't build a house without investing in the foundations & our marketing should be no different.
If you need helping with preparing your strategy, or just one or two elements of it, we can help!
Typically, we do this work in a couple of phases including initial discovery & workshops - below we share some of our most popular Marketing Strategy packages. Ongoing strategic support is also available.
Ideal for start-ups & small business owners
This package includes a 2 hour discovery call and will provide you with both expert guidance & the tools to start your marketing efforts on the right foot.
You will gain:
Clarity: A top-level marketing strategy document that sets the direction.
Insight : A basic SWOT analysis to help you understand your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats.
Focus : A one-page marketing plan with key action points, designed to get you started quickly & effectively.
This package is ideal if you need a strategic foundation to guide your efforts and measure success, ensuring your marketing is aligned with your business goals from the very beginning.
Ideal for growing businesses
Designed to help you define your marketing direction, this comprehensive strategy will create a robust framework for success & includes a full-day workshop..
Your will gain:
Clarity: A comprehensive marketing strategy document that sets the direction for your business.
Insight: A deep dive into your business goals, target audience & market position.
Focus : Key strategic priorities to drive your marketing efforts forward.
This package provides a comprehensive marketing strategy, which is essential for growing businesses. It will ensure your marketing efforts are aligned, purposeful & effective.
Ideal for MDs & senior teams
This full-day workshop provides existing marketing teams with a critical friend, a fresh pair of eyes on current marketing to ensure it's laser-focused on the business objectives.
You will gain:
Clarity: A clear reminder of your target customers and what truly drives them.
Insight: Identify opportunities and challenges through a structured SWOT analysis.
Focus: Leave with specific, actionable steps to implement straight away.
This package is perfect for businesses that:
already have a marketing strategy but are rready to be challenged constructively & take action to continue to move their marketing forward with a focused plan of action.
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